Frequently asked questions.

What will a therapy session look like for my child?

We start all therapy sessions by spending time playing with your child and learning what they’re interested in that day. Once your child is playing with their therapist, we begin to work towards their goals and objectives. The exact teaching tactics may vary from child to child, but our goal is to ensure they are happy, comfortable, and willingly participating. The therapist and child will rotate between periods of time that are child-led and times that are therapist-led, all while embedding in learning opportunities for your child.

What does the intake process consist of?

All client intakes begin with a phone call where we hope to learn as much about your child as possible- what they enjoy, what they struggle with, and what they hope to learn. From there we gather patient information that will help us make an admission determination. Once we’re ready to admit your child, we submit for authorization to your insurance provider and you will meet with one of our BCBAs. After the initial meeting, the BCBA will meet your child and assess their current skills which we will use to inform their goals and recommended weekly therapy hours. As a final step, your BCBA will meet with you to ensure the team is aligned with the therapeutic goals and vision. Once there is alignment, we submit the treatment plan to insurance for authorization and begin services.

Who will be on my child’s care team?

Your child’s care team will consists of a BCBA and behavior therapist. The behavior therapist will be the person who directly works with your child during their therapy sessions. The BCBA will be present to teach the therapist how to conduct their programming and how to support the child’s needs. The BCBA will be present each week to check in on your child’s progress, modify their programming as needed, and support the behavior therapist.

How often will parents be involved?

We believe that parent involvement is a critical aspect of the success of ABA therapy. For this reason, we love for parents to sit in and observe home sessions when possible. Your child’s BCBA will also spend time directly with you each week providing support, advice, and guidance on how you can best support your child.